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Rabu, 29 Juni 2011


Conditional sentence (The sentence presupposition) explains that an activity contrary to other activities. The most common conditional divided into four parts

a)      Real Conditional
Real Conditional (often also referred to as Conditional Type I) which describes about imagining suppose in accordance with the facts.
b)     Unreal Conditional (often also referred to as Conditional Type II) which describes the supposition that no real or imagined
c)      Conditional type iii
d)     zero Conditional used as a regret that happened in the past
Sometimes both of them are called it’s called if-clauses.

Note : If the clause "if" is placed at the beginning of a sentence, we must use a “comma”. Conversely, if the clause "if" is behind, then there should be no “comma”

1.        real conditional
Used to express a supposition that is made based on the facts in the present or the future and assumptions could have occurred. the clause (if) is usually in the form of the Simple Present Tense. On this type,

Formula.. : if + does,  will do (If + present simple tense,   will + bare infinitive)

Claus ” if “
Main Claus
If I see you tomorrow,

I will buy you a drink.

Main Claus
Claus if
I will buy you a drink
If I see you tomorrow

we often use “ unless” (no/if)
formula : 1
Claus if
Main clause
Unless you hand in your homework
I won't mark it

The meaning :
If you don't hand in your homework,

I won't mark it

Formula 2 :
Main clause
Clause if
I won’t mark it
If you don’t  hand your homework

The meaning :
I won’t mark your homework
If you don’t hand it in

We never used “will” or won’t in clause “if”
For instance :

1)      If I go to England, I will buy some Cheddar cheese. = I will buy some Cheddar cheese, if I go to England
2)     if I have time today, I will phone my friend. = I will phone my friend, if I have time today.
When we talk about an event that will take place in the future, we can use if or when
Ø  I am flying to the States tonight. I'll give you a ring if I can find a phone.
Ø  (The speaker is not sure if he will be able to find a phone or not.)
Ø  I am flying to the States tonight. I'll give you a ring when I get there.
Ø  (The speaker has no doubt that the plane will arrive safely.)

In a sentence with an if-clause we can use the imperative, or other modal verbs, instead of will + infinitive
Ø  If you hear from Susan today, tell her to ring me.
Ø  If the traffic is bad, I may get home late.
Ø  Note. We say the traffic but a traffic jam
1st conditional is usually used in such cases:
  • Contingency plans, considering events that may/may not occur (If I feel too excited to sleep, I'll try reading one of our reports)
  • Planning your manpower ( We'll need more staff if / when / in case we start the new project)
  • Company forecast
  • Degress of certainty
  • Project planning

2.       Conditional type 11
Used to express an unreal situation in the present or the future. This type is used to express a hope. Tenses used in the IF clause is the Simple Past Tense. In 1st conditional if is used to speculate about the future consequences of a specific event. In this case, the verb in the second part of the sentence is preceded by will.

Formula :
Clause if
Main clause
If I won the lottery,
I would buy a new house

Main clause
Clause if
I would buy a new house
If I won the lottery

Note : we can not use both COULD or COULDN’T in clause “if”
For instance
a.       If I were you, I wouldn't do that. = I wouldn't do that, if I were you.
b.        If I had more time, I would do more on my websites. = I would do more on my websites, if I had more time.
c.       If they offer a good price, we will buy the whole consignment.

3.       Conditional sentence type 111
Used to express a condition in the past are not likely to happen again. Often used to criticize or regret. Tenses used in the IF clause is the Past Perfect Tense.
Formula : IF     +    DID,         WOULD DO
    If + past tense,  would  +  infinitive

(Klausa IF)                                                                                                        (Induk Kalimat)
If I had worked harder,                                                                              I would have passed my exam.
If I had worked harder,                                                                              I could have passed my exam.
If I had worked harder,                                                                              I should have passed my exam.

(Induk Kalimat)
(Klausa IF)
I would have passed my exam
if I had worked harder.
I could have passed my exam
if I had worked harder.
I should have passed my exam
if I had worked harder.
Note : it’s seldom  to use “would have” or “ wouldn’t have,etc in clause “ if “
For instance :
  • If I hadn't helped you, you would have failed. = You would have failed, if I hadn't helped you.
  • If it had been sunny, we could have gone out. = We could have gone out, if it had been.
  • If I knew her number, I would send her a fax.
  • I would send her a fax if I knew her number If these machines were not so expensive, we would buy them.
  • If we hired a lawyer, we would recover our debts more easily.
  • If I lost my job tomorrow, I would move to London to find the same kind of job
  • If I were 10 years younger, I'd take the job.
  • As long as / Providing it was well paid, I'd accept this proposal.
  • I would / might join the army, if there was a war.
  • I wouldn't go on strike, unless there was no alternative.

4.      Zero condition
Used to express general truths. Present tense is used typically Simple Tense. Or : if + does,  does (if + present simple tense, present simple tense)

Formula :
Clause if
Main clause
If you heat water to 100 C
It boils
Main clause
Clause if
Water boils
If you heat it to 100 c
Formula :
        I.            If you drop an apple, it falls. = An apple falls, if you drop it.
      II.            If you don't do your homework, I will be disappointed. = I will be disappointed, if you don't do your homework.

Note : on this type “if” is often changed by “when”

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